solar system installers
PV Installation Professional Certification Information
The NABCEP PV Installation Professional certification is a voluntary certification that provides a set of national standards by which PV Installation Professionals with skills and experience can distinguish themselves from their competition. Certification provides a measure of protection to the public by giving them a credential for judging the competency of practitioners. It is not intended to prevent qualified individuals from installing PV systems or to replace state licensure requirements.
The target candidate for this NABCEP certification is a range of installation personnel including but not limited to: installers; project managers; installation, foreman/supervisor, and designers.
The NABCEP PV Installation Professional certification has been developed in accordance with the best practices of the certification field. NABCEP is a member of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (I.C.E.) and has endeavored to follow the requirements of : General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification Systems of Persons.
NABCEP Solar PV Installation Professional Certification is North America’s only renewable energy personnel certification that has been ANSI accredited to the internationally recognized ISO/IEC 17024 standard.
PV Installation Professional Practice Exams
Online practice exams are now available for the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Certification Exam. As an exam candidate, you now have the opportunity to become comfortable with the format of the exam. It also allows test-takers to become more comfortable with the timing of the exam and knowing how long to spend on a given question.
From the time of initial access, test-takers will have a 48-hour window to complete the exam. They consist of 35 sample questions similar in type to those found on the actual examination. Those who purchase the practice exams will have twice the amount of time as they would during the official examination. Once the exam is submitted, a full score report will be immediately available. This report will inform the test-taker of how many questions they answered correctly in each area of the practice exam.
All candidates for the Solar PV Installation Professional Certification must have experience in the field acting as the person responsible for installing PV systems, a minimum of 58 hours of advanced PV training and an OSHA 10 hour construction industry card or equivalent.
All candidates must pay for and complete an application by the exam . Specific requirements for each candidate vary by category according to your experience and background. It is important to review the for this exam thoroughly in order to choose a category under which you will apply. In order to qualify for this exam you must meet all of the requirements for your chosen category.
All Solar PV Installation Professional exam candidates must meet all training and installation requirements that are outlined in section three (3) of the .
In order to qualify for the Solar PV Installer Exam, a candidate must successfully complete a minimum of 58 hours of advanced PV training before the application deadline. A minimum of forty(40) of the fifty eight (58) prescribed hours must cover advanced solar PV installation and design principles and practices addressed in the NABCEP PV Installer Job Task Analysis. All advanced PV training must be offered by one of the following education providers:
- Institutions accredited by an agency recognized by the federal Department of Education, or Canadian equivalent (Universities, Community Colleges, etc.)
- U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship Training Programs
- Training Programs accredited, Independent Instructors, or Independent Master Trainers certified by the (IREC) to IREC or IREC ISPQ Standards.
- Training institutions approved by State Contractor Licensing Boards or Canadian Provincial equivalents
- State or Provincial Department of Education or equivalent registered Vocational / Technical training programs
NOTE: Courses offered by private training organizations or businesses that are not accredited or taught by instructors certified by a recognized third-party will not be accepted for the minimum of 40 hours of advanced solar PV installation and design training.
A maximum of eighteen (18) of the fifty-eight (58) prescribed hours may be obtained from non-accredited, non-certified sources such as:
- Courses covering building and electrical codes relevant to the installation of solar PV systems
- PV Associate coursework through a NABCEP Registered PV Associate Exam Provider, provided that a passing score was obtained on the NABCEP PV Associate Exam. NOTE: Courses leading to the NABCEP Associate Exam do not qualify for the minimum 40 hours of advanced PV installation and design.
- Additional OSHA or equivalent workplace safety courses above and beyond the required OSHA 10 hour course
- Training programs and courses that are registered with NABCEP for Continuing Education Credits for the PV Installer Certification
- Any other coursework that addresses topics included in the NABCEP PV Installer Job Task Analysis (NOTE: the applicant will need to submit a course outline and signed letter from the training provider detailing how many hours were spent covering the NABCEP Solar PV Installer Job Task Analysis in the course.)
Completing a minimum of 10 Hours of OSHA Construction Industry training is also required.
Depending on the qualify category selected, all candidates for the Solar PV Installation Professional exam must provide documentation for three (3) or five (5) installations where they have acted in the role of contractor, lead installer, foreman, supervisor, or journeyman. Candidates must provide system information, permits and inspections for each project that he/she has installed. Additionally, if the name listed on the permit or inspection does not match that of the candidate, a letter to verify the role of the candidate is required. Please read sections 3.4 and 3.7 of the for more details.
If you are ready to start an application,
PV Installation Professional Job Task Analysis (JTA)
The foundation document for all of the NABCEP Certification Exams is a detailed description of the job and subject matter involved. This is referred to as a “Task Analysis” or “Job Task Analysis (JTA).”