home solar panel installation
Solar Panel Installation
The time for solar energy has arrived, and we're here to help. Federal, state and local solar incentives now make solar power installations 30-70% less than just 1 year ago. Putting solar panels on your home or business has never been as compelling as it is right now. Want to know more? Our network of licensed solar panel installation professionals is ready to answer your questions about solar energy. Start by clicking below:
Alternative Energy Information
Articles, videos and photos on over 50 topics covering the concepts and technology of today's energy, and the vision for the next phase of energy sources.
Whether you agree or not with climate change, there should be no disagreement that energy is best derived from clean, renewable sources like wind power or solar energy. The sun is an endless resource, the purest form of energy we have. Tapping its power with solar panels is simple, straightforward and scalable. Energy independence isn't a campaign slogan - it should be a way of life.
Solar panels are less expensive and more powerful now
The best news for consumers is the continuing drop in the price of solar panels. Silicon, the primary driver of solar panel prices has plummeted in the last year. In addition, new technology in solar panels, known as "thin film", are starting to gain prominence. Thin film is much cheaper to manufacture than traditional solar panels made from silicon. These two forces, working in tandem, have driven price down.
Energy tax credits also help to lower costs
New federal legislation has created a 30% tax credit for anyone that purchases solar panels, wind turbines, or other alternative energy products. The credit also covers solar panel installation costs and costs associated with wind turbine installation. Additional incentives from state and local governments can reduce the upfront cost for solar energy panels and wind power by as much as 70%. When factoring in energy savings and increases to the value of one's home from a residential solar panel or home wind power system
Residential Solar Panels and Solar Energy
Home solar power is more afforable than ever. Solar panel prices have plummeted in the last year and new financing options are now available that enable homeowners to install solar panels without upfront costs.