Best way to install solar panels
When homeowners think of installing a solar energy system on their home, rooftop solar is probably the first thing to come to mind. What many homeowners don’t realize is that installing ground mount solar panels is just as easy and cost-effective. Here are the top three things that you need to know about ground mounted solar panels.
1. In many cases, ground mounted solar panels are your best option
While rooftop solar arrays are the most common choice for homeowners, there are many reasons to consider a ground mounted solar panel system.
Generally, ground mount solar panels cost the same as rooftop solar on a per-watt basis. If your property isn’t ideal for rooftop solar, installing a ground-mounted system can actually save you money in the long term.
Rooftop solar arrays are restricted by the characteristics of the roof on which they are installed. If your roof isn’t at the right angle, doesn’t face south, or has obstructions like chimneys or skylights, then your solar array will be less productive. On the other hand, ground mounted solar panels can be located wherever the conditions are best.
In addition, if your home uses a lot of electricity, your roof might not be big enough for a solar energy system that meets your electricity needs. In contrast, ground mounted solar systems can be sized to match your electricity consumption without the space restrictions of a rooftop system.
2. Not all ground mounted solar panel systems are created equal
There are two basic types of ground mounted solar panel systems:
Standard ground mounts use metal framing driven into the ground to hold your solar panels up at a fixed angle. Some standard ground mounted solar panel systems can be manually adjusted a few times a year to account for seasonal shifts of the sun.
Pole mounts support multiple solar panels on a single pole, and elevate panels higher off the ground than a standard ground mount. Pole mounts often incorporate tracking systems, which automatically tilt the solar panels to capture the optimal amount of sunshine.