benefits of installing solar panels
The global spike in energy costs has led many to find alternative and sustainable fuel sources. There are many options available today including wind, solar and hydropower. Of the three, solar is the fastest growing, and almost everyone can learn to capture its power to perform tasks like cooking; lighting, heating, and many other household chores. Two of the key reasons many invest in harnessing the sun is to get energy for heating water in homes and to generate electricity.
By definition, solar energy is energy derived from the sun. The energy can be used directly to heat, and light homes or it can be converted into electricity using solar energy technologies like solar panels. People are increasingly investing in solar energy to save on out-of-pocket costs and get rid of dangerous and expensive power lines.
Solar energy i.e. energy from the sun provide consistent and steady source of solar power throughout the year. As our non-renewable resources are set to decline in the years to come, it is important for us to move towards renewable sources of energy like wind, hydropower, biomass and tidal. The main benefit of solar energy is that it can be easily deployed by both home and business users as it does not require any huge set up like in case of wind or geothermal power. Solar energy not only benefits individual owners, but also benefit environment as well. Solar energy is one of the most widely used renewable energy source.
Learn more about solar energy:
I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.
– Thomas Edison
Various Advantages of Solar Energy
There are many advantages that solar energy has to offer over traditional sources of energy like coal and oil. Not only it is completely renewable but is also protects the environment. Here are some of the advantages of solar energy.
It’s a renewable resource
Solar energy is a renewable source of energy as it can be used to produce electricity as long as the sun exists. Sunshine occurs naturally. As long as we are alive, we are always going to see the sun, which means it is infinite. This energy can be harnessed by installing solar panels that can reduce our dependence on other countries for consistent supply of coal to produce electricity. This makes it an attractive energy prospect for most countries that are looking to go completely green in the future.
Although solar energy can not be produced during night and cloudy days but it can be used again and again during day time. Solar energy from sun is consistent and constant power source and can be used to harness power even in remote locations.
It’s eco-friendly
If you are scavenging the internet in search of ways to minimize your carbon footprints, solar energy is the surefire answer. Solar energy will not only help you dial back on your carbon footprint, but also oversize your systems to ensure you live in a carbon-free house. Some states in the U.S. even allow individuals to invest in other people’s roofs to create a lot more solar energy.
Solar energy is an alternative for fossil fuels as it is non-polluting, clean, reliable and renewable source of energy. It does not pollute the air by releasing harmful gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide or sulphur oxide. So, the risk of damage to the environment is reduced. Solar energy also does not require any fuel to produce electricity and thus avoids the problem of transportation of fuel or storage of radioactive waste.
Cuts back on electricity bill
One of the most interesting things about solar energy is that it can help you minimize your annoying utility bills. You can accomplish this by installing solar panels in your home. Solar energy takes up energy consuming activities like heating water and heating homes. Solar energy has the potential to save you up to 20% of your energy costs, even after financing costs are factored in. And with the ever rocketing of electricity costs, you could save up to , 000 in the next 30 years.
Can enhance the value of a home
If you are looking to sell your home in the future, suffice to know that installation of solar technologies can significantly increase its value. This especially manifests in areas where buyers are more likely to buy a home installed with solar panels like high populated cities where environmental degradation is taken seriously by the authorities. According to research findings, solar panels can add up to , 000 to the value of a house. This figure represents the amount required to install a solar panel, which means you will be able to recoup your money when you sell the property. That represents a bright investment in your property.
Requires little maintenance
The cost of installing a solar panel can be high. But once it’s up and running, you will enjoy the benefits for many years, while injecting just a small amount for its maintenance. If your energy needs change and you desire to add more panels, it would be a lot easier. Initial cost that is incurred once can be recovered in the long run that range from 10 years – 15 years. Apart from this, solar panels does not create any noise or release any toxic substances.
Easy Installation
Solar panels are easy to install and does not require any wires, cords or power sources. Unlike wind and geothermal power stations which require them to be tied with drilling machines, solar panels does not require them and can be installed on the rooftops which means no new space is needed and each home or business user can generate their own electricity. Moreover, they can be installed in distributed fashion which means no large scale installations are needed.
With the advancement in the technology and increase in the production, the cost of solar panels have come down slightly. Areas where cost of electricity is high, payback times can be even lower.
Can Be Used in Remote Locations
Solar energy can be of great boon in areas which have no access to power cables. It works great in remote locations where running power lines would be difficult or costly. Solar panels can set up to produce solar energy there as long as it receives the sunlight.
Comes with money back guarantee
Besides saving up a lot on your utility bills, you might get a big portion of your money back by installing solar panels. Most governments give tax credits to homeowners in a bid to encourage the use of solar energy. These tax credits mostly cover more than 30% of the installation cost. Lots of states also extend tax rebates to homeowners that utilize solar energy. To add to that, if your solar panel generates more than enough energy, utility companies allow you to sell back the energy to them.
Long Lasting Solar Cells
Solar cells make no noise at all and there are no moving parts in solar cells which makes them long lasting and require very little maintenance. Solar energy provides cost effective solutions to energy problems where there is no electricity at all.